Thursday, 12 September 2013

Sons and Daughters

I Love my daughter! She's freeakin' AWESOME!

 If you are blessed with healthy, happy, relatively normal (?) children or especially if your child is unwell, acting up or a royal pain (we've all been there) take a minute to send them some Love. If they have a mobile phone send them a text, or post on their wall a little reminder of just how precious they are to you. Yes, there are days when you want to scream at the top of your lungs and it's only those episodes of CSI (they'd work out it was me) that you've watched that have stopped you from sending your child into the next world (every parent especially if you have teenagers has thought about it - don't lie!). 

Being a parent is challenging (ask my cat!) but the rewards are immeasurable. Our children are our gift to the world and they are amazing! No matter how badly we screw up as care providers our children remain loyal and unwavering in their Love. It takes a LOT for a child to wash their hands of their parents. We really have to screw up BIG time for a child to denounce us. So let's give our most precious resource the Love, respect and ATTENTION they need and deserve. 

We're living in challenging times. Money is on all our minds and parents in particular are carrying additional weights on their shoulders. But let's not lose focus. Let's not forget that whilst we have a responsibility to keep a roof over our heads, dinner on the table and clothes on our children's back, we are mums and dads FIRST and foremost and our children (and partners) need to know that they are the most important people in our lives. It is not enough to know that you Love your children. It is not enough for you to ASSUME that they know you Love them. It is our single duty as parents and care providers to reassure through daily demonstration just how important our children are to us and it starts with stopping what you are doing right NOW and taking a minute to think about your child/children and remember why you are doing what you are doing and where your Joy really lies. 

Don't let the demands of world of illusion blind you to what matters most. 

You are NOT too busy to hold in your mind a wonderful thought of a child you chose to bring into this world. 

So do it. Do it now! Show them some Love and really feel in your heart the power of the gift life hasgenerously blessed you with.

If you are not a parent then think about the children young and older who bring Joy into your life and be thankful for their presence too. 

Today, let's make a commitment to show our future generation what they mean to us right NOW>

Lots of Love. <3


1 comment:

  1. .... Well put, gives me some reflection, it shows me you are a mirror of love. stay powerful. peace to all the power mums. bzzzzzz
